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Cuando llegamos a cierta edad he intentamos hacer algo físico y salimos lastimados, nuestras heridas físicas abren una herida emocional mayor, de la cual casi nunca curamos.
Realizada en madera reciclada de Eucalipto
Base realizada en madera reciclada de Algarrobo
Hi all: I was born in Mina Clavero, Cordoba, Argentina and I have 27 years. I always liked to draw, my first drawings were hacerca Disney characters (Donald, etc). As I got older I kept drawing, but did not give much importancia.A the 17 I went to the capital to study and as they wandered between faculties started to draw cartoon characters, especially Wolverine, to copy parts of my body and watching me to espejo.Comence expreciones experimenting with paint on my vacacines 2006, with the...
See more information about Martín VILLALOBO
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