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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Drawing
  • Technique: Pencil
  • Measurements: 9.06 x 6.69 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: catalunya, masia, begues

Creative Commons License - by-nc-sa

Artwork description

[ca] Masía de Can Termens, vista des de un camp del darrera. Begues, Catalunya.
[es] Masía de Can Termens, vista desde un campo de atrás. Begues, Cataluña.
[en] Masia Can Termens seen from a field behind. «Begues», Catalonia.
[fr] Masia Can Térmens vu dans un champ derrière. «Begues» en Catalogne.
[de] Masia Can Termens gesehen aus einem Feld hinter sich. «Begues», Katalonien.
[it] Masia Can Termens visto da un campo dietro. «Begues», Catalogna.

Artist information


Faig faces treballs menors d'architect: reports, al · legacions, etc. I editato a "blog" anomenat "The carrer i la ciutat" on fear d'urbanisme. Pinto aquarel · les i Faig Dibuix to model the Barcelona Sant Lluch. Col ? work to the Wiquipèdia.

See more information about Vicens Tort Arnau

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