Es una pieza surrealista donde el personaje rema afanosamente por llegar a su meta, carga para esto con una gran calabaza, que en el sincretismo cubano puede serle de buena ayuda para andar en ese mar donde no sabe qué le depara la suerte..
La obra está hecha con acrílico sobre lienzo
Sus dimensiones totales son 115x90 cm
El año de su creación es el 2008
Verdial Antonio Jorge Morejon was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1962. He has studied with private teachers, particularly those who have completed with classes in drawing and printmaking at specialized centers. From 1984 to date, has exhibited in various galleries and institutions in Cuba and Mexico. His work consistently raises ideas cross-linked with ambiguous figures executed with good design and great strength of color, along with other common resources in surrealism. But it is undeniable that...
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