Bolivia, Los Yungas, Músicos, Pueblo de Coroico, Fiesta Lugareña, medidas : 37cm x 45 cm, papel fotográfico texturizado, montado en bastidor. AWARDS: AWARD-2nd-1988 XAVIER FABREGAS Cornella de Llobregat (Barcelona)-3r-CATEGORY AWARD WORLD PRESS PHOTO ART-1991-3rd prize-categories CULTURE AND FotoPress ESPAA spectacle - 1991 - AWARD PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE MAISON DE LA FRANCE - 1996 - FINALIST PRIZES LA MAISON DE LA FRANCE - 1992 - XIV INTERNATIONAL AWARD Pica d'Estats, tourist boards of Lleida Provincial Council, "Les Garrigues TERRA D ' OLI. WRITTEN BY ISABELLE BARBOT, CO-AWARD WINNING JOURNALIST EXHIBITIONS 2003...
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