Home > Artworks > Painting > Marcela Gonzalez Obregon > Y soñe que el amor es mas frio que la muerte


Y soñe que el amor es mas frio que la muerte

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Artwork description

Obra realizada en técnica mixta, acrílico y digital, med.21 x 28 cm, fue seleccionada para el Catálogo de Ilustradores Infantil y Juvenil del CONACULTA 2007-08 Mexico

Artist information

Studied at the UNAM, National School of Fine Arts, Visual Arts
First publication was for the magazine Inland in January-February 1993 CONACULTA
Working for textbook publications for Editorial Trillas
Matatena (ITAM, 2004), My Handyman (Solibro, USA 2005) Children calendar 2006 and 2007 CONACULTA
Catalog illustrators Children and Youth 2006 and 2007 CONACULTA FILIJ,
Tenths of the Huasteca to the Museum of Popular Cultures (CONACULTA 2006 and 2007)...

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