Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Watercolour
  • Medium: Paper
  • Theme: Nude Paintings
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: acuarela, cuerpo, piel, musa, anatomia

Creative Commons License - by-nc

Artwork description

Acuarela 50 x 70 cm

Trozo de una serie expuesta en la galería miscelanea de barcelona y exposicion permanente en la web



el cuerpo humano...tomado a trozos un gesto, un movimiento, la forma en que las arrugas se hacen en un pie…el paso sin pausa del tiempo..todo inspira

Artist information

Cesar Reyes Najera is a Guatemalan architect. As a painter uses preferably watercolour, but also experiments with tree bark or lime mortars and fibers to represent human skin. His work has been exhibited and awarded repeatedly in Barcelona. He is currently a researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain.

See more information about César Reyes Nájera

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