Feria de San Esteban de Gormaz ( Soria 2008). Al llegar a este puesto encontre al ebanista y a su mujer la hilandera trabajando, esto me permitió encontrar el momento perfecto para hacer la toma. Es todo un privilegio ver la soltura que tiene esta pareja realizando sus tareas.
Viarsa Alexander was born on February 5, 1980. From: Little was a dreamer and soon began to draw with colored pencils and 10 years more or less participated in the contest of Nativity of his people (Elgoibar) molding clay, clay and later by the motion passing of the figures. Sources the peak of adolescence, having a hard time when he wanted to express their feelings through photography. With an analog Cosina started looking beauty in solitude, impactndole the beauty of nature. Arrival in the...
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