Tecnica: Oleo sobre lienzo.
Medidas: 40 Cm. de ancho por 60 Cm. de largo.
Es un paisaje en el que quisiera HABITAR alguna vez y quisiera estar en una canoa remando y espectar la inmensidad de la naturaleza.
I am Peruvian and I was born in the district of Tambogrande, Piura a June 13, 1983. Study Biological Sciences at the National University of Piura. My parents are Juan and Marisol Gomez Crisanto Garcia Villegas. my grandfather is Francisco Garcia Mendoza and my maternal grandmother Tomasa Santos Villegas Mendoza. I love to paint ...
Enter the 6 April 2009 the Public High School of Art "Ignacio Merino" Piura, Peru.
See more information about Keller Martín Gómez García
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