
Escoba de carqueja.

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Creative Commons License - by-nc-nd

Artwork description

Escena del interior de Uruguay Rivera.Impresa con ploter sobre papel Canson de alta gramatura med 50x36cm firmada y numerada a mano. Envio a cualquier parte del mundo por correo certificado sin cargo adicional sobre el precio.

Artist information

Gustavo Als, Montevideo, Uruguay 03/04/1955 plastic expression and Cultural Animation Infantl studied art at the Library Schinca in Montevideo with Elsa Carafa. Drawing, painting, contemporary art at the School of Arts degree in Livramento ASPES today URCAMP-Brasla with Osmar Santos. Etching and silkscreen with Rimer Cardillo and the Canadian Association of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Photography, the Photo Club and Kodak Uruguay and Brazil. Drawing artistic and advertising at the School Father...

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