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Imagen intima, del "Jardin de Wuh-Wey Chieng
Bocetos para comics erótico ambientado en el lejano oriente medieval. Inspirado en la tradición de los cuentos toista y en los escritos de los autores Lao Tse (Tao Te Kin) y Chuang Tsu (Los evangelios del Tao) y las tradiciones tantricas y espirituales de oriente.
"In a complex character, strong lights and shadows, contradictory, uneven. Admirable in this despicable in that: a man of truth, virtues and vices insolent, of rare and unique combination, will, together with a sensitivity heroic poet. It has features high civilization, with its fine culture, even decadent, combined with healthy, thick features and irreverence brutal barbarism. enjoys and loves in the depths of the soul, still, want and enjoy, with all your senses awake.
See more information about Cesar Fernandez