Home > Artworks > Painting Oil > Painting Panel > Painting Animals > Pedro Sanz López > Works by Pedro Sanz López > Retratos > galgo,mira,pájaros,anuimales,perros,mascotas,cuadros,pintura,oleos



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Artwork description

Galgo observando a dos gorriones, en una rama.-
tal vez piensa en la libertad que tienen los pájaros.-
cuadro al óleo sobre tabla.-
tiene formato 3D, los laterales tienen un fondo de 4 cms, y no necesita marco.-
en envio puede ser gratis si se consulta antes el destino.-

Artist information

Born in 1940 in Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara) Spain. He graduated in Law from the University of Madrid. He holds degrees in Marketing at ESIC. Studied drawing and painting at the Academy "Taller del Prado" in Madrid, at the Academy of painter Francisco Recuero (Madrid) and the portrait Workshop Vernacci Nuria Ruiz (Madrid)

There are private collections of his works in Spanish and in France and Romania.

Capital resides in Madrid, where he has his studio.

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