
EN LA SOBREMESA (enmarcado)

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Drawing
  • Technique: Graphite
  • Measurements: 18.90 x 18.90 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: sobremesa, fregadero, Platos y vasos

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Artwork description

TEMA:Después de una buena comida entre amigos o entre familia, comienza una parte importante de la convivencia , dejemos los utensilios para cuando termines de charlar. Recoge vasos y platos antiguos.
EJECUCIÓN: Dibujo realizado en pliego de papel grueso, pegado a tablero de Okumen Fenólico de 10mm. Hecho a lápiz de grafito \"Rexel Cumberland\" de varios grados de dureza. Una vez terminada ha sido protegida con fijador marca Talens especial grafito y pastel. El soporte está atornillado a un soporte rígido y enmarcado en perfil de aluminio y protegida en vitrina con un cristal grueso de 3 mm.
THEME: After a good meal among friends or family, an important part of coexistence begins, let utensils when you finish talking. Collect old glasses and dishes.
EXECUTION: Drawing made in sheet of heavy paper glued to board Phenolic okumen 10mm. Made graphite pencil \"Rexel Cumberland\" of various degrees of hardness. After completion has been protected with fixative Talens brand specialty graphite and pastel. The bracket is bolted to a rigid and framed in aluminum profile and protected cabinet with 3 mm thick glass support.

Artist information

One day I discovered fate made my little existence in the world would not be filled, if it was not among brushes, colors and other gear of the work trestle.
After that my mind did not understand and / or my hands were not busy, good looking or painting it wanted to express my mind what I meant.
Disciple of what my eyes see and understand what Nature shows me, voyeur museum, looking for answers to my questions; hidden from those who I admire ... Raphael, Ingres, Picasso, Dali, Gaya or Pedro

See more information about Miguel Angel Minguez

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