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corel,archivo ahora tambièn firmado por ANGEL REY VAZQUEZ,el logotipo es de su autorìa,y tiene mi consentimiento para hacer con el archivo lo que èl guste, modificarlo, imprimirlo, venderlo, regalarlo, todo lo que sea de su gusto. Queda expresamente manifestada mi firme voluntad.(PAZ). Quiero hacer extensivo el homenaje a todos los fotògrafos, de toda la historia.PAZ
Going through 2º decade of 21st Century, many deep changes are going on.
We can see them alive, in TV, Internet. Sometimes is exhausting so much information, but ignoring reality, would be worst in all senses.
Conditions are great to communicate , and solve as many problems as we can, sharing, talking, getting to agreements, as many we can make for everybody`s wealth.
My participation is tiny, but we are a lot. Deserts and jungles are made of sand and leaves.
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