
porta retrato verano

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country:
  • Category: Collage
  • Measurements: 11.81 x 13.39 in
  • At Artelista since:

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Artwork description

porta retratos en pintura acrlilica y pirograbados
el pequeño 28 x 24 el grande 34 x 30
los motivos se realizan a su gusto flores, signos zodiacales, barcos, jarras de cervesa etc.

Artist information

Artist plastitico 10 years dedicated to decorate boxes, trays, boxes, vases and everything put in front of me in wood or MDF as we know it in Venezuela, Woodgrain.

Decorum utilizamdo different materials like sea sand, plaster, Chew, the same wood with cuts defined as animals, shells, ribbons and so on.

I started by accident painting on canvas and now I have more than 10 years painting all that people ask me to decorate your home, make a gift, pictures with colleagues and...

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