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En el camino de la espiritualidad o de la virtud, se presentan sutiles artimañas que pretenden detener tu crecimiento y pueden hacerse tan invisibles que nos acompañan toda la vida y al final no nos permiten evolucionar a lo sagrado.
Born in a village in the Andean mountains of Colombia, known Sasaima the Cundinamarca region, west, in the year 1964. Peasant's son from the same place her mother and father of Boavita, Boyacá. His inclination for art have roots in his father's mandolin self-taught musician, poet and painter in his last months of life.
His artistic development evolves from the philosophical concept that makes vital engine for reflection in this workshop with either metal, wood or paint. Focused on...
See more information about Jesus Angel "CoRaje" Correa Herrera
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