"Como moscas a los mojones llegaban cinocéfalos de todas las razas y edades; fuesen grandes o chicos, todos estaban en la lista del baño de la leche de placer y de hambre"
Cliché verre de la Cinocéfala amamantando a sus crias.
Lvar (Mega) HERZ SERRANO Chilean artist, born in Santiago de Chile, July 3, 1981. A graduate of the University ARCIS Valparaiso (2006). Early experience in the art world, dabbling in drawing and painting, artistic resources motivated by personal anecdotal and introductory poetry to works that tasted the generous range of trends leaning towards the avant-garde art. Immersed in the process of introspeccin, begins to experiment and use different materials and branches of art to suit your work as...
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