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refrescante òleo sobre lienzo,obra del artista emergente sr.Chinchòn,representado el cauce de un rìo.
/...refreshing oil on canvas, works by emerging artist sr.Chinchòn, represented the riverbed./ ...huile sur toile rafraîchissante, des oeuvres de l'artiste émergent sr.Chinchòn, représentait le lit de la rivière/...erfrischende Öl auf Leinwand, Werke von aufstrebenden Künstler sr.Chinchòn, vertreten das Flussbett.
He was born in the district of San Pablo, Sichuan, Cusco Peru, after leaving his youth in his native homeland, traveled to the provincial capital where he studied painting at the Escuela Regional de Bellas Artes "Diego Quispe Ttito."
1.-1967 Second prize ERBA Cusco.
2.-1968 First prize ERBA Cusco
3.-1971 First prize in national...
See more information about Hipòlito Mamani