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Santiago Cervera Latín nació el 27 de Agosto de 1974 en Sevilla, España. En 1995 viaja a Madrid donde estudia Publicidad y Gestión Empresarial. Finalizados sus estudios abandona la capital para instalarse en la Sierra de Madrid, donde empieza a desarrollar su carrera artística de forma autodidacta y dedicándose plenamente a la pintura. Años más tarde se traslada a Algeciras, Cádiz, donde actualmente reside y donde tiene su estudio de pintura.
Su pintura está enmarcada dentro del expresionismo abstracto destacando por su elegancia cromática y sus trazos firmes. Para él, la pintura significa darle sentido y belleza a la abstracción.
Para más información visite: cgarcialomaslatin.com
Santiago Cervera Latin was born on August 27, 1974 in Seville, Spain. In 1995 he moved to Madrid where he studied Advertising and Business Management. After finishing his degree, he leaves the capital to settle his residence nearby the mountain range of Madrid. It is there where he began to develop his artistic self-taught career and where he dedicated himself only to painting. Years later, he moved to Algeciras (Cádiz) where he currently lives and where he has his studio.
His painting belongs to the Abstract Expressionism highlighting the firm lines and his elegance while using the colours. For him, painting means to make perfect sense and give beauty to abstraction.
See more information about Cristina García de Lomas Latín