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Imagen netart obtenida a partir de la decoloracion parcial de una de mis fotos y la introduccion de elementos obtenidos de la misma dandoles un aspecto volumetrico (las esferas) pretendiendo así obtener a partir de una imagen 2 D (la foto) otra opticamente tridimensional con la perspectiva lineal y el efecto luminico.
En terminos coloquiales seria algo asi como sacar la flor del tiesto.
There are already many years devoted to photography, and unfortunately not dediqutodo time that would have required me restless and adventurous spirit, simultaneous photographic activity with my profession was the cause. Although some exhibition if I had the good fortune to make. I've had good teachers who appreciate my knowledge and a good father and a great painter without whose genes ... there will not be able to love as love, poetry that is in the "PICTURE".
That approaches...
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