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este es un lavadero antiguo donde iban las mujeres a lavar la ropa , manteles y sabanas, el ultimo cerca de la pared es para lavar la ropa con jabon, en del medio es para enjuagar y quitar el jabon de la ropa y el ultino es para el untimo enjuage, asin la ropa queda limpia y aclarada.
All my thanks pour the good words, photos of flowers, expressions of Apollo and Sympatia of your party at this time I'm going through with the death of my son Olivier.
he had 37 years and leaves a partner, a child of 13 years old,
and me with great sadness and great sorrows in my heart.
It was well along with all our love and all your family sites (as), cousins (as), friends (as) and friends and also strangers on the Internet.
Lydia Kisses
See more information about lydia gonzales