Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Mixed media
  • Medium: Panel
  • Theme: Others
  • Measurements: 78.74 x 70.87 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: abstracto, pintura, mixta, contemporanea

© All rights reserved

Artwork description

?DIALOGOS DE PAPEL?, es de gran formato con una dimensión de 200 X 180, sobre tabla, realizada con una técnica mixta y de carácter íntegramente abstracta, en la cual el autor nos muestra una conjugación de texturas realizadas con geometrías de papel expresadas con una perspectiva que nos trasmite la sensación de querer dialogar con un muro de papel infinito, con un cromatismo que derrocha una fuerza comedida y nos trasmite a su vez una serenidad placentera

Artist information

Born in the town of Yecla (Murcia) in 1960 but set up residence in the Alicante town of San Vicente del Raspeig.

It is considered self-but admits that his interest in painting began studying at the CE John XXIII in Alicante where he was known to his teacher for several years D. Antonio González ANTOGONZA

In 1977 he joined the School of Arts and Crafts in Alicante. After his studies began to travel around Spain and France in order to complete their...

See more information about JUAN MUZ-MARTÍNEZ

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