
Foresta petrificada

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Mexico
  • Category: Painting
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: oil, photo

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Artwork description

It is established that our perception of an object or the world that surrounds us is influenced by knowledge (thus by memory), motivation and by the socio culturals factors. I would like to add imagination to this list.
Dreamers and pragmatics alike have read in the sky the long codex of the clouds. The imagination is in fact the well from which the child draws to name the sensations he feels from the heat of the maternal breast to the horse galloping in the clouds. We are all doted of an innate imagination and it is the cognitive, motivatory and socio culturals influences that, by imposing themselves, will refrain or annihilate it’s activity in adult life.
My work is a return to the state of innocence.
The photography, as a recording support, is the sensation received by the visual cells. The paint becomes the support for my emotions under the direction of my imagination. My work is the attempt of rejection of the already lived; the stripping of the social being in search of the real me, l’Ego Veritae. The painting is an attempt to make the public aware of another possibility that is attached to each and every one of their six senses.
My visions are in no way a universal truth but my own truth, sometimes the one of the other, sometimes its lie.


Artist information

His art contains many layers of interpretations and hidden messages for the adverted public to discover.  From being a reflection of his inner turmoil, Erick Sommet’s art has become over the year a social tool for him to question his environment and to make the public see through his eyes by way of mirroring their experience through his own.

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