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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Net Art/Digital Art
  • Measurements: 118.11 x 98.43 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: feminismo

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Artwork description

Esta colección de arte que presento titulada: “Feminismo es Libertad” o Feminism is Freedom” pretende contribuir, desde esta perspectiva, a denunciar el estado de sumisión de cientos de millones de mujeres a las ideologías machistas-monoteístas. Reivindico la difusión de los derechos individuales para todas las mujeres. Reivindico un feminismo no machista y por lo tanto no puritano en el que la mujer toma las riendas de su propio destino, de su propia vida, de su propio cuerpo. El lenguaje que utilizo, como en casi todas mis obras, es el de la expresión corporal porque la forma en la que se no presenta el cuerpo nos indica si es libre o está sometido al dominio de personas, instituciones o ideologías. Sigo fiel a la tradición clásica y renacentista en la que el cuerpo, la felicidad, la belleza y el placer se presentan en el arte como en la vida, sin sentimiento de vergüenza, desafiante, desnudo, libre. Sólo cuando una persona dispone y decide sobre su propio cuerpo es libre.

No debe de extrañarnos que los momentos de libertad estén representados por mujeres desnudas: desde la Victoria de Samotracia hasta la IIª República española, pasando por diferentes versiones de la Estatua de la Libertad. Sólo la mujer que permanece cubierta, encerrada, es objeto de las ideologías machistas y del macho. La mujer desafiante se presenta desnuda frente a esos poderes extraños a ella según podemos ver en el arte clásico y renacentista. Estos cuadros tienen un tamaño entre 150x200 cm están realizados en lienzo y se soportan sobre un bastidor. El precio en casi todos es de 3.000€, ver el precio en cada cuadro.

"This collection of art that I titled:" Feminism is Freedom" aims to contribute, from this perspective, to denounce the status of submission of hundreds of millions of women to machistas-monoteístas ideologies. Claim the dissemination of individual rights to all women. Claim a not macho and therefore not Puritan feminism that women takes the reins of their own destiny, his own life, of his own body. The language we use, as in almost all of my work, is the body expression because the way in which are non body tells us whether it is free or is subject to the domain of individuals, institutions or ideologies. I remain faithful to the classical and Renaissance tradition in which body, happiness, beauty and pleasure are presented in the art as in life, without feeling of shame, challenging, naked, free. Only when a person has and decides on his own body is free.

Should not be surprised that the moments of freedom are represented by naked women: from the winged victory of Samothrace, until the second Republic Spanish, going through different versions of the Statue of Liberty Only women who remains covered, enclosed, is sexist ideology and male. Defiant women presents naked versus those strange to her powers as we can be seen from the classical and Renaissance art.
These boxes have a size between 150x200cm are made in canvas and are supported on a rack. The price of each is 3.000€

Artist information

My name is Javier Fisac ??Seco, but use the pseudonym Lokke. I was born after World War II and before Marilyn Monroe died. I majored in history, art, sociology and philosophy. I have been a cultural coordinator at several centers, teacher, journalist, political cartoonist and designer. My favorite outfit is Supertramp, my musical artist Elvys and my movie, choose one, "Once Upon a Time in America", the first part especially. Because it is a hymn to friendship. In literature I would be...

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