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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Colombia
  • Category: Photography
  • Theme: Nature
  • technique and supports: Color (Digital)
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: naturaleza, flores, lago, laguna, colombia, diego

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Artwork description

Al sur de Colombia, en el departamento de Nariño, se encuentra la laguna de “La Cocha”, uno de los entornos naturales de mayor biodiversidad existente en los Andes colombianos, un lugar encantado donde el viento se vuelve canción, y donde la vida se expresa en una inmensa riqueza cultural y natural. La Cocha, para orgullo de los nariñenses y colombianos, es la laguna mejor conservada del país un alto nivel se hermosura y riqueza natural justifican que esta sea uno de los patrimonios naturales más sobresalientes de Nariño.

El refugio del sol una magnífica vista a orillas del Hotel Sindamanoy.

Descripción técnica:
Diafragma: 8.0. Velocidad de obturación:1/60 seg.
Sensibilidad de la película: ASA 100
Modo de enfoque: Manual para paisajes

Datos del paquete:
El paquete a entregar incluye:
-Fotografía en formato digital y alta resolución 3072 x 2048 pixeles
-Fotografía física en papel metalizado, dimensiones 30cmsx40cms
-Comentarios del autor, descripción y garantía por preferencias (estilos, filtros, edición).
NOTA: Preguntar por los paquetes económicos.


To the south of Colombia, in the department of Nariño, is the lagoon of “the Cocha”, one of the natural surroundings of greater existing biodiversity in Colombian the $andes, an enchanted place where the wind becomes song, and where the life is expressed in an immense cultural and natural wealth. The Cocha, for pride of the nariñenses and Colombians, is the lagoon better conserved of the country a high level hermosura and natural wealth justifies that this is one of the natural patrimonies more substitutes of Nariño. The refuge of the sun a magnificent Vista to borders of the Sindamanoy Hotel.
Technical description:
Diaphragm: 8.0. Speed of clogging: 1/60 seg.
Sensitivity of the film: IT ROASTS 100
Way of approach: Manual for landscapes

Data of the package:
The package to give includes:
- Photography in digital format and hi-res 3072 xs 2048 pixels
- Physical Photography in metallized paper, dimensions 30cmsx40cms
- Commentaries of the author, description and guarantee by preferences (styles, filters, edition).
NOTE: To ask for the economic packages.

Artist information

Colombian photographer, born in San Juan de Pasto, Nariño December 2, 1986. From an early age was surrounded in the world of the photographic image because of the work of his older brother, developing technical expertise in the photographic frame which is reflected today in their work. But even this small does not know what it was a camera up his 8 years was when he took his first photograph in the future who would be his mentor and teacher (his brother). Decided by caught by the world of...

See more information about Diego Santacruz

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