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Obra premiada en el Concurso "Maipú y el Vino" 2005, razón por la cual pasó a formar parte del patrimonio cultural y material del Museo Nacional del Vino de Argentina y de la Municipalidad de Maipú de la Provincia de Mendoza. Forma parte de la coleección de 22 obras sobre la Historia del Vino (registrada con derechos de autor).Texnica mixta, oleo y acrílico sobre tela texturada y metales
CURRICULUM VITAE Analía Brail is largely self-taught painter and sculptor, who began to take its first steps on the footpaths of the art of the hand of Maestro Luis Ciceri in whose workshop he attended for five years and later completed training in Gestalt Art Workshop Plastic Artist Julian Buenosaires at the University Juan Agustín Maza.
Has had numerous solo exhibitions at Centro Cultural Bernardino Rivadavia, in the Universidad Juan Agustín Maza and Wine Bar of the Upper House...
See more information about Analía Brail