Home > Artworks > Painting Mixed media > Painting Canvas > Javier AZURDIA > Todavía te busco y no te encuentro, Pertenencia I, Detalle XX


Todavía te busco y no te encuentro, Pertenencia I, Detalle XX

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Still looking for you and I cannot find you, Belongins I, Detail 20)
Óleo y técnicas mixtas sobre tela, (Oil and mix media on Canvas), La Antigua Guatemala

Artist information

Born in Santiago de Chile on November 15, 1961, Chile, Guatemala, lies many years in Europe and now lives in Guatemala. Painter by trade and digital designer, his work has been honored in Florence, Rome and Guatemala. His career has taken him to exhibit in France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Chile and the United States. His works show a particular way of seeing the world and his inner vision is visceral and sometimes speaks of unquenchable difana syntax paced, with hesitation and regret, that...

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