En el bosque amazónico hay muchas variedades de lianas, en esta obra al lado derecho en forma vertical, la Ayahuasca(liana)es una verdadera maestra de los conocimientos ancestrales de las tribos amazonicas, en la cosmovision amazonica, creemos que cada planta, rios, lagos etc tiene un espiritu o madre.
I was born in the heart of the jungle in Flor de Punga village. In April 8th, 1975. After I finished elementary and high school, I started my art studies in Usko Ayar Amazonian School of Painting in 1992, founded and directed by the visionary artist Pablo Amaringo in Pucallpa - Peru. I participated in differents art exhibitions in Peru as in Pucallpa, Iquitos
Lima,Cuzco,Trujillo, Requena and also in the abroad as Finland,commissioned to paint a mural for the Korkeasaari Zoo in 1996...
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