El saltamontes es una ser celoso cuando su mujer esta con un hombre y desea traspasarlos a los dos con una lanceta.
Obra hecha de caña hueca tratada y preparada, ademas las piezas estan unidas sin usar pegamento alguno.
Rene Nelson Alanoca Tarqui (RENATO), was born in Barrio Miraflores, Miraflores Avenue today in Tacna - Peru 1978, did his early primary education at the National College "Brothers Barreto" 1990-Tacna. Renato is the 2nd of 4 children, of which the last two are twins, his mother dies of cancer the year 1.988. Their secondary studies were conducted at the National College "Coronel Bolognesi" - Tacna. He completed his studies at the Universidad Nacional "Jorge Basadre Grohmann" - Tacna,...
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