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Trabajo realizado para un niño, sobre un fondo lo mas apropiado posible al tema se pospusieron los apliques de las figuras alusivas a la pelicula Buscando a Nemo y que se pintaron a mano, todo elaborado con materiales de alta calidad.
I am a professional educator. but I always liked the craft in all its expressions, hand embroidery, elaborate clothing, I do everything related to baby layettes, a patchwork of empirical learning and I never took a course for it and learned 4 years in a institution of my country to paint on canvas and this DECIC me since and I feel it is something that has filled my life and not only money but gives me this wonderful experience allows me to "PUT LIFE TO YEARS AND YEARS TO NO LIFE "!...
See more information about Martha Stella Rubio Medina