Año: 2006
Comentario: Todo en ella es abundancia, plenitud, movimiento. El artista usa dos gigantescos caracoles para enfatizar la belleza de esta mujer. Es un trabajo muy atrevido por la gama de colores usados, así como la estructura del dibujo. En la obra se refleja la vida, con su dinámica y fragancia.
Academic Formation
1987: He graduates in the specialty of Painting in the Superior Institute of Art
1972: He graduates in the specialty of Painting in the National School of Art.
1966: He graduates of the specialty of painting in the Provincial School of Art of Santa Clara Leopoldo Romañach.
Personal exhibitions
2004: His work Guitar, taken to Mosaic, is placed in a central street of the city as part of the Architectural Project "The Ramp"
2003: His work Guitar is...
See more information about José Miguel Pérez Hernández