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Pintura en óleo sobre tela.
\"Arrullo de invierno\" es una idea de la artista Jennifer Jennsel para representar el proceso de la naturaleza para asegurar la sucesión de las nuevas generaciones de flora y fauna en la naturaleza...Es la representación también de el hecho de tener paciencia por las cosas que requieren tiempo para madurar, para concretarse, para desarrollarse completamente...Es el respeto a los eventos cíclicos de Natura...
Jennsel Jennifer was born in Mexico City in January 1970.
From a very young age, Jennifer Jennsel have direct contact with the world of the arts, and more of the surrealist painting, which would later become the main thrust of his own artistic project. The pictorial world Jennsel manifested through various techniques, oil painting, watercolor, pastel, acrylic and various drawing techniques, through it, Jennsel to discover the frenzy of his imagery, a world where mythology...
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