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Técnica mixta, acrílico sobre cartulina
Mixed media, acrylic on carton
Bawdy can be sane
(D.H. Lawrence - 1885 ~ 1930)
Bawdy can be sane and wholesome,
in fact a little bawdy is necessary in every life
to keep it sane and wholesome.
And a little whoring can be sane and wholesome.
In fact a little whoring is necessary in every life
to keep it sane and wholesome.
Even sodomy can be sane and wholesome
granted there is an exchange of genuine feeling.
But get any of them on the brain, and they become pernicious:
bawdy on the brain becomes obscenity, vicious.
Whoring on the brain becomes really syphilitic
and sodomy on the brain becomes a mission,
all the lot of them, vice, missions, etc., insanely unhealthy.
In the same way, chastity in its hour is sweet and wholesome.
But chastity on the brain is a vice, a perversion.
And rigid suppression of all bawdy, whoring or other such commerce
is a straight way to raving insanity.
The fifth generation of puritans, when it isn't obscenely profligate,
is idiot. so you've got to choose.