Information on the original artwork

Creative Commons License - by-nc-sa

Artwork description

Acrílico sobre cartón, marco negro, vidrio antirefractante. Sólo te pido 1 euro por esta obra, es un pago simbólico para seguir haciendo arte. Obra donada.

Artist information

1982 - 1985, joined the Faculty of Arts at the University of Chile. "He studied sculpture with Patricia del Canto 1982-is selected for exhibition of student work for 1 year, Sculpture Workshop. 1985-Work selected sculptural Youth Art Competition, University of Valparaiso. "Youth Art Show Exhibition, Institute of Culture Hispnica. -Founding Member of Matucana Comics magazine and publishing of comics, script of Pedro Araucaria. Publication 1986-comics magazine of Matucana N 2, original script....

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