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Estaba subiendo arte hasta que no se que carajo toque y se me fue todo
encima estaba hablando del papanicolao ilegal
en amercia latina donde vive la tigresa del oriente(laodio) y de como el arroz gallo se te pega
en fin me voy indignado me voy a arañar bultos
A ca I have to put my biography? (Who asked him?)
Ood B hello how is everything ok?
Lucas finally called me 18 years I have come here with the crisis of the revolution of the 40 chicken 'when Madonna was a virgin and discussed with betty page for easy money, that is irrelevant maybe yes but not now good working for an industry of hydrogen peroxide (30 °) required that we hairnets and we place it (the hair) in the nets so they do not clarify...
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