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Sir John de Creke and his wife Alyne c. 1325
Westley Waterless, Cambridgeshire, England.
El arte gótico es un estilo que se desarrolló en Europa occidental durante los últimos siglos de la Edad Media (coincide en el tiempo con la plenitud y la crisis), hasta la implantación del Renacimiento.
Destaca en estos relieves, sus formas estrechas y alargadas, verticales, místicas, con actitud de oración y con símbolos de poder y nobleza.
Reliefs inspired by the story ...
The collection of relief paintings Solar Boat, surprising both for its originality, for its technical execution. Quality pieces in stone and decorated with land offer aesthetic and symbolic journey through the art of all time, adapting in line with current decorations.
"The updated review of the classics is always a meditation exercise that requires a lucid contemplation of arguments and materials. The so-called Ancient Art is adapted to...
See more information about JoSé MaNuEl SoLaReS