Delirio comunista.Cerebro apretujado por ideas de aquellas que el pobre trabajador acab recibiendo de verdad,y se queda sin trabajo,sin prestaciones,sin casa,y metido en la calle se vuelve asocial,anarco-descreido,y arrinconado.Mientras,el pensador del delirio comunista,rie y se frota las manos.
autodidacto.Comienza aquarel.lista cryo drawing on the wall of the dining room of the house, evolve, and from 1979 exhibits regularmente.Primero in Catalonia, cultural halls and galleries, in bars, barber shops, in music venues, theaters, etc. . appears in 1986 in the book Guinardart.Expone later in France, but is again centered in the principality to our dias.Obra Pinela.Actualmente the museum, apart from the support as it introduces photographic montages and sculptures, in...
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