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Entre casas viejas y coloridas aparecieron estas torres amigas y conversadoras.
Las imagine levantando la mano, para pedir la palabra, para decirnos una palabra, para mostrarnos LA Palabra.
En realidad me quedó la duda ¿estaban levantando sus manos o levitando?
Winston H. Elphick D. Born in northern Chile, in a city as it says his name is La Serena, a place to contemplate, reflect, live.
A daughter and a wife, with whom we have built and given reasons to keep these experiences in a photographic record.
By profession, Professor, Magstar on education, writer of many educational texts and also training or personal development.
Photography is my rest and my torture, for the communicative role it has and it always reality is...
See more information about Winston H. Elphick D.
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