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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Argentina
  • Category: Photography
  • Theme: Nature
  • technique and supports: Color (Digital)
  • At Artelista since:

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Artwork description

Fotografia digital de autor.
El mat tiene un encanto especial, un hechizo sin palabras que invita a pensar sobre los misterios de su inmensidad y descifrar el enigma de esa enorme masa de agua llena de vida que parece imposible que no se escape de su cauce.
Mirarlo nos hace sentir muy pequeños...apenas invisibles...

Artist information

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was always attracted to the arts, drawing and painting. I love photography and just 6 years ago have begun to materialize.

Conencé considering restoring paintings and decorative painting with Monica Carbonell. When I started drawing and painting go through different workshops and seminars with Marta Lemel, Ernesto Pesce at the Museum of Fine Arts, 4 years and currently Fariña Mercedes Umerez Diego.

They all appreciate what you have...

See more information about Graciela Noemi Izaguirre

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