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Humans are meant to have contact with each other. We are meant to have care and consideration for each other but all that is gone. Keep an animal in a cage with no love, care and attention and it will turn on you. Is that why there are so many dysfunctional people around? Because no one cares, not even even to say hello? You may even live in the same block with ten other people and I bet the only ones who talk to each other are those over the age of 70 or children under the age of 10. Some adults wait until Christmas before contacting a parent or family member .What is the cost of picking up the phone and saying "I love you" to a parent or family member or just asking how they are?
2010 master of arts degree in the humanities, academy of arts, Riga ,Latvia 2010 diplom work \'Inhalation-Exhalation\'painting, tryptih 200x200cm x3 2010 solo exhibition \'people from sarkandaugava\' Riga, Latvia at the moment working with new ideas, four the next solo exibition
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