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Autor: Alicia Martínez. "ALIMA". [-]
Guardaré tu sonrisa
entre las notas
de un tiple, compañera
de las horas de infancia.
Guardaré tu recuerdo
en una carcajada
que se enreda en el viento,
feliz y enamorada.
Guardaré tu sonrisa
entre libros y textos
que amaneceres viejos
nos vieron repasar
Y desafiando el tiempo
volverán travesuras...
los goces, los afanes,
hoy vuelvo a recordar.
World Gay art born of the need / interest of a group of artists to express itself in a gallery, the works, opinions and comments about the gay world ... But that is only a pretext to discuss universal concepts such as respect, plurality, and especially and above all freedom ... Freedom in its many meanings, ie sexual freedom, freedom of expression, in short, freedom of thought, always with respect and coexistence.
See more information about Arte Gay Mundial