Retrato de una bella joven en un estilo híbrido entre comic/urban art/superflat con claras influencias modernistas.
técnica: pintura acrílica con goteo (dripping, según Jackson Pollock) en esmalte sintetico. En el siguiente enlace se vea un video de como aplico esta técnica durante un performance.
Monique is a Dutch painter who lives and works in Spain.
She says that when she paints, she is working on it on so many levels,
colours, lines, shapes, composition and of course, the ever ongoing leitmotiv underneath the surface.
She loves contra-junctions, positioning warm with cold, light with dark, the controlled against the intuitive and flat surface with relief.
All together she uses these tools to express her sincerest inner world,
which is also composed of continuous
See more information about Monique van Steen