Home > Artworks > Painting > Alex Mora Ceciliano > Works by Alex Mora Ceciliano > LIBROARTE > El ojo que tu ves, no es ojo porque tu lo veas, es ojo porque te ve.

LocationCosta Rica

El ojo que tu ves, no es ojo porque tu lo veas, es ojo porque te ve.

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Costa Rica
  • Category: Painting
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: reflexiones

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Artwork description

Acuarela, mira el escorpion herido por su propio veneno, es la suerte del guerrero, que en tiempos de paz se hiera a si mismo.

Artist information

If the Buddha was among us, would you kill him, says the Zen, I looked forward to a call that never made me that sad fate which awaits his happiness will come from outside, if you just want to get you out of inside.

I have trouble starting a world with a picture, too much anxiety paralyzes me, I'm madly in love, and I have only a picture in my mind.

I longed for a new obsession for painting, now I have, I write as much as drawing, paint out of desperation and relief from...

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