Título: In memorian
Autor: Claudia Nose
Tipo de obra: collage
Dimensiones: 90x 1, 20 cm
Técnica: fotocopias,tintas y adhesivo vinhílico
Soporte: bastidor de madera
Obra realizada en memoria al cantante australiano Michael Hutchence
D atospersonales: NAME: Monica NosClaudia DATE OF BIRTH: 27/12/1967 NATIONALITY: Argentina Mail electnico: clonose@yahoo.com academic training: graphic designer, graduate Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Buenos Aires. Exhibitions collective participation in the annual Exhibition of the work done on the morphology ctedra career of graphic design at the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, UBA, 1991 and 1992. Participate Book Fair Exhibition Center, in the...
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