Information on the original artwork

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Artwork description

Óleo sobre tabla. 100 por 100 cms. Realizado en el año 1986. Es el retrato de la cantante de jazz soul Sade Adu, ésta imagen figuraba en el ticket entrada al concierto de Sade en Barcelona. Con su disco "Diamond life" de 1984 un nuevo estilo de soul respetuoso con la tradición jazzística renacía de su voz...toda una fuente de inspiración.

Artist information

I was born in Callosa de Segura, Alicante. I studied Fine Art at the College of San Carlos de Valencia. I am currently Professor of Plastic and Visual Education. I participated in some exhibitions and have held seven solo exhibitions. My style is a mix that brings together influences of Escher, Paul Klee, Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Bosch, Wilfredo Lamb ..., I admire the painter Roberto Matta, Jackson Pollock, Gauguin, Cezanne, Yves Tanguy, Max Ernst, Magritte, Rotko, Antonio Lopez, Lucien...

See more information about Miguel Tomás García

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