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Obra en tecnica oleo a la cera, uso en esta pintura tanto el pincel como la espatula que me permiten distintas intencidades de color, protagonicos amarillos dentro de los cuales escondo "misteriosas presencias"
intensos bermellones dontan a este lienzo de predominancia calida y se equilibran con blancos "ahumados" y fortalece la exprecion con la intervencion del negro.
Vidal Bedoya (Lima 1964) began his studies of art with the teacher Jesus Soto Flores, base and concept of drawing 1984, is concurrently enrolled in the Art Museum of Lima to pursue drawing and watercolor next year 1984-1985, making the decision to make art their way of life and enter the National School of Fine Arts in Lima, Peru 1986-1990. Even as a student of art, restless, looking for a space to show their initial creations, decides, with friends, display, weekends, his paintings in...
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