Nyarlathotep, el terrible caos reptante, el más fascinante personaje del panteón Lovecraniano en 3 de sus mil encarnaciones: la sombra sin rostro vestida con las llamas del sol poniente, el ojo rojo de los 3 lóbulos y los tentáculos colosales del cuento "el libro"
Irene Castro Daz (Itzel Acosta) was born Antofagasta, Chile, the year 1971. From Pequea gustde use drawing and painting as a means of expression of their feelings and emotions. Boasting of early maturity and a taste for Instit paranormal and strange, his favorite was the typical horror and mystery, becoming fanatic of books, movies and all kinds of material related to this genre, eagerly devouring information. The stories and scenes that a viewer must they have done shaking, she caused...
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