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los canasteros : una labor cotidiana que podemos ver especialmente en la provincia de chincha donde existen porcientos los artesanos que se dedican ala fabricacion de canastas.
sala de exsibicion permanente restaurante cebicheria "EL REMO" av. leon de vivero 144 ICA -PERU telef: [---------] o al cel : [---------]835.
Biographical story by Manuel Caceres fortune on Walter Julio Ramos Garcia, plastic artist self.
For me to talk about Walter Ramos Garcia, is to speak of a brother, because we were lucky to study together there in our beloved land of sun and felt, where all people are like family, so much we know, Walter was always a little boy wrestler, and participated in all contests in singing and painting, becoming known in town as a child singer with excellent voice. As a class not remember...
See more information about Walter Julio Ramos Garcia