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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Venezuela
  • Category: Sculpture
  • Materials: Mixed
  • Theme: Mixed
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: mixta, desescultura

Creative Commons License - by-sa

Artwork description

foto 3
Como seria el Big Bang, el mismo momento de la creacion con sus movimientos imprevisibles-caoticos- fusion de materiales y fuerzas magneticas actuantes.
Seguramente encontraras formas empero, eso es el caos, cualquier parecido con tu- vuestra- realidad es pura coincidencia.

Comment le Big Bang, le moment de la création de son chaotique et imprévisible des mouvements de fusion des matériaux et des forces magnétiques agissant.
Certes, trouver des moyens toutefois, il est le chaos, toute ressemblance avec vous-votre-réalité est pure coïncidence.

Artist information


"Today it is still possible to make the sculpture a plausible reality."

Alberto Giacometti-1901-1966 -

Have you sold any work in Artelista? R = No Do you live in your art? R = alive for art Who were your teachers? R = As I had not, the search in books that scrutinize being librarian of Fine Arts School of Valera. What do you...

See more information about Jose Gregorio Granadillo Viloria

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