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Artwork description

En las filosofias orientales el Pranha es la Fuerza Vital, es lo que para nosotros sería el espiritu, la luz del universo.
Esta fuerza vital nos impulsa a movernos y a autoregularnos en nuestra estancia en este planeta.
Busca ,encuentra y concilia el equilibrio entre los cuestionamientos de la mente y nuestras corazonadas.
Los dos grandes triangulos encontrados que forman el laberinto de decisiones, representan la comunion y equilibrio entre el lado femenino y masculino que todos tenemos

Artist information

Mexican born June 18, 1964. Architect by profession and artist since 1975. From that year until 1981, studied at the Fine Arts Workshop Don Bosco Institute, BC, Mexico city.

My work is composed of a variety of topics ranging from descriptive art, realism, to surrealism and abstract in various techniques and substrates.

In 1980 I entered and won the mural painting contest the day of the Commonwealth of the Universidad Iberoamericana.

In 1992 he gave the chair...

See more information about Roberto Arenas Esquinca

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