Escultura en pequeño formato representando a un Caracol sobre una base de mármol blanco.
Materiales: Cubiertos (tenedores y cucharas) de Plata alemana y mármol
Sculpture in a small format representing a Snail on a marble base.
Materials: Cutlery of German silver and marble.
Pauyet: another story of spoon and fork. We're going to tell the story of spoon and fork in a little where the craftsmanship and crafts are increasingly difficult to find. As ANTA in which pure silver haca everything from the table, the manual labor of men and women who were later replaced by machines, we can now enjoy the art of making spoons and forks in s shots, warriors, centaurs, cars of the DCAD of \ '30 or older bikes, living their statism ymrmol corpreo metal from this website with a...
See more information about Victor Rafael Blanco